a collage of people grieving

Grief Counseling

Are you having trouble processing a loss? Do you feel like your grief comes in waves? Grief counseling equips you with the strategies to make coping easier.


You are not alone.

Grief is often triggered when someone dies and by other life-altering events. These events may be a change in marital status, giving birth or the loss of a child at any age, being diagnosed with an illness, or a professional change, such as a promotion or demotion.

Any of them can make you feel less than because they are taken away from you. Life-altering events affect each individual differently; however, you must develop coping skills and build support so that you will not suffer alone.

Coping with a life-altering event is a big challenge because many times it can be very painful and/or emotionally draining.

a collage of people feeling alone

Grief counseling can help you feel better

Please know that we are here to assist you in learning to release the pain, cherish the memories and the love, and find meaning with pieces that you may feel are left behind. Sadness, loneliness, anger, fatigue, guilt, and mood swings are all feelings/emotions that will manifest, but instead of suppressing these feelings, must be addressed. 

We understand that everyone grieves differently. We understand that life looks differently after loss. We accept you where you are and are willing to assist you at your pace on this journey. The process of working in therapy is not easy; however, being in a safe space to release some of the pain and discomfort associated with grief and loss may help you find purpose and peace post-life-altering event.

You may believe therapy can help you, but you still have questions about grief counseling.

  • Coming to therapy can be very hard. Even calling to make that first appointment can be a daunting task, but you can do it. If you’re not ready to talk, coming through the door is that first step in building a level of comfort. Being apprehensive is very common when it comes to starting therapy, especially when dealing with grief. Together we will navigate your fears and emotions. You have a fear of being judged, but know that you will not be. The space is free of judgment and many times speaking to one that you don’t know makes the process much easier.

  • Grief is a process and there is no time limit for how long the process should or will take. This process can be very messy and cumbersome. Sometimes the symptoms of grief can last anywhere from six months to a year to two years. It depends upon the type of loss that you experienced.

  • Yes, together we will build a therapeutic relationship that will give you a better understanding on how to handle your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. These definitely affect what you do or do not do on a day to day basis. Therapy will help you establish and/or enhance your confidence in order to navigate these challenges. Give it a try, we will be with you.

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